Friday, June 23, 2006

Adoption Timeline Update

Attention Veteran Adoption Paperchasers and Waiters: This post will be old news and old hat for you. This post is primarily for our family and friends that lack the international adoption savy you all have come to live with 24/7... Attention Family & Friends: Announcement From the CCAA: The CCAA has finished the review of the adoption application documents registered with our office before October 31, 2005. So, what does that mean and how does it affect us? Quite simply it means that the CCAA (China Center of Adoption Affaris) has finished reviewing the paperwork up to and including October 31, 2005 submitted by families wishing to adopt from The People's Republic of China. Remember during our "paperchase" how we kept writing off for personal documents and getting them notorized, certified and authenticated? That would be the documents we're talking about along with our home study and about a million other things. You will also remember us throwing out terms such as DTC & LID during that time. Well, those documents sit patiently in China awaiting their turn to be reviewed by the Chinese government to ensure everything is in order. You know, dots over the i's and t's crossed. Ok, maybe it's a little more than that but you get the idea. It also would not be uncommon for the CCAA to notify your agency, ours is CCAI, and ask for clarification on issues regarding your dossier. In the perfect world the dossier would meet with their approval without the need for that and move on to the matching room to once again sit quietly until it's your turn to be matched with your daughter. For us, that will be awhile. We're thinking January 2007 at this point. We have an LID date of 1/27/06 which means we are inching our way towards the Review Room phase of the adoption process. The CCAA is presently reviewing dossiers with LID dates of November and quite possibly December. See what we mean? We're slooowly edging closer, little by little. That's it. Just thought I would give everyone a little update on the process. This time between LID and Referral is called "The Wait" in adoption land. It is painful but that's the process...


At 6/23/2006 10:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are getting closer!! Slowly yes, but surely. And we are getting ready to start the 6th month of the wait which is awesome! (Hopefully half way there)Keep busy...we will be in the review room and then matched before we know it! ;)


At 6/23/2006 10:15:00 PM, Blogger Mom 2 six said...

Ford and Alyson-
We hope it speeds up for you!
Take a swig of that Cognac. YUMMY We are glad to have your story to follow.
The Waala's

At 6/25/2006 06:59:00 PM, Blogger Mimi said...

January will be here before you know it but I know you wish it would hurry up.

We did indeed take Bob and baby girl for a stroll around the ravine on Saturday. Bob is a wonderful invention. Alivia was wide awake and enoying it all. I know it was too hot for her but she never complained. Carl did his best to keep a breeze going. Hope your weekend has been good.


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