Friday, June 09, 2006

BIB Swap!! Makes the WAIT Seem Less Miserable.....

Making the "final" decision to adopt is a great feeling - but the wait is terrible. Many Yahoo groups have formed to help with those beginning the adoption journey, those traveling to China, local families with Chinese children, groups for each adoption agency, the 100 wishes Quilt group, plus groups for every month of DTC/LID!! And the list goes on and on. We have learned so much from these groups and from individual blogs. It is so nice to read about things that we have done or will be going through. So I joined a few "swaps". This bib swap involves sending out bibs to two addresses each month until everyone has received a bib from each participant. I have the bibs all bought and ready for wrapping and mailing. I didn't exactly follow the instructions so I started out sending the bibs in the wrong order. Still it will all work out in the end, they just will not get bibs from me the way the list stated (could it be I am stressed, over worked, tired, and was in a rush due to the BIG UK vacation? That's what I blaming it on). So a bit of an apology to those participating. please be patient, I am sending out two a month. So here are some of the bibs we have received.


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