Exploding Tire, Heat Wave and Now this......
Last night while cooking dinner, our power went out. This is a frequent event whenever there is rain, wind or lightning in the very small town that we live in.
The power was off for about three hours. No air conditioning! We took a drive through town to see who else was suffering (and we enjoyed our truck's air conditioning). Salty loves these drives to nowhere, too.
Dinner was salvaged as the oven and stove top stayed hot enough to finish the job!
It was romantic too..... candles (gift from sister MC), "crank" radio (only L.L. Bean for this family) and wine (red of course). We still enjoyed the evening!
Yikes!!! No A.C.!!! The heat is so unbearable here, so I can't imagine how awful it is, down in your neck of the woods. But I can see how romantic dinner by candlelight would be!! :)
I love it. Life gives you lemons and you managed to make the proverbial lemonade. You got it figured out :0)
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