Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Explosion! We Need a New Spare Tire!

Never know what will happen in our lives, every week something happens that totally surprises us! We have a Honda CRV (over 8 years old!) that has a spare tire attached to the rear door. We left work in the evening and there it was - all frayed, ripped, torn, etc. Definitely an explosion. It was very hot that day and we have not had the tire cover on for a couple of years. Sun damage? Who knows!


At 8/01/2006 06:20:00 AM, Blogger My Baby Ain't White said...

Get out of town!! That can really happen??

Mental reminder for myself: Never visit Florida in the dead of summer.


At 8/01/2006 08:30:00 AM, Blogger C's Mom said...

Wow, I've never seen that happen before. Glad no one was standing nearby when it decided to go ka-boom!

At 8/01/2006 09:09:00 AM, Blogger Johnny said...

Mmm, troubling. But, better that situation than a worse one.

At 8/01/2006 09:38:00 AM, Blogger atomic mama said...

Wow. I've seen car windows blow out in the extreme heat from the pressure, but not yet a tire. You're right - maybe it was weakened from being exposed for so long...

At 8/01/2006 09:44:00 AM, Blogger Joannah said...

Wow! That's something else.

At 8/01/2006 02:00:00 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

Well that's a new one on me! I've never seen such a thing! Good thing it was your spare instead of the ones you ride around on!


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